Staff Module

The staff section is your staff contact database. Everything you need to know about your pilots, crew or employees can be stored in this section.

Find out how to add licenses and qualifications to each member and keep track of the documents’ status in the Licenses section, manage multiple passports with assigned visas and manage other crew related documents like Crew IDs and Vaccinations.

  1. Screen Elements
  2. Qualifications
  3. Recency
  4. Part 121 6-Month OPC Compliance
  5. Qualification Archive

1. Screen Elements

Search Box

Search for crew members based on first name or last name.

Sort by

Sort the search results by first name or last name.


Filter the search results based on their position: pilot, onboard engineer, flight attendant, etc.

Contact details

The most important contact details are displayed next to the name of the crew member, on the top of the page.

Pilot Flight Hours

Click the edit button on the "Initial" line in the Pilot Flight Hours table to enter the baseline hours of a new hire. You can enter hours and minutes in the format hhmm. You can enter the shortcut "1030" to get a value of 10h30. 

Wyvern integration

If you have Wyvern integrated, you can see how it works here

Travel documents

Update passports, visas, and ID cards here. If a person has multiple passports or visas they are going to be selectable on the Dispatch page from a drop-down list on each flight.

Licenses and qualifications

Upload all the qualifications and licenses that are necessary for your crew to fly. Make sure you insert the expiry date of each item correctly so that you will get the warnings on time and will never get late with arranging the new documents. On the left side of the column, the same color codes are used as in the Licenses page:

  • White: nothing to do / note about the license
  • Yellow: license due to expire
  • Red: mandatory license expired or missing
  • Flashing red: license expires within 2 days

* When you hover with your mouse in the red string next to the qualification, you will get an explainer. You will know instantly if the pilot is missing a qualification, if the qualification is expiring soon, or if you are missing information about it. 


2. Qualifications

You can edit your qualifications by clicking on any entry. This action activates the ‘edit’ mode.

The ‘i’ next to an item provides additional relevant information, such as whether the qualification is necessary for an assignment or when it expires.

Users can have multiple entries of a recurrent qualification by using the 'Renew Qualification' option.

The historical entries are accessible via the triangle next to any multi-entry item.

How to Setup Line Training

You can manage pilots in Line Training, and raise a warning in case they are assigned to a flight without a Line Check Captain or Line Examiner.

  • Go to your AOC and add the Check-in, Check-out times that will apply on flights where you schedule a Line Training

  • Go to Staff page and select the crew member, who will undergo a Line Training
  • Scroll to Qualifications and add a Line Training qualification type

  • When saved, select the trainer crew member and add either a Line Instructor (LI), or a Line Check Captain (LCC) qualification

At this point the requirements for the system are fulfilled and next time when you schedule an LT crew member without an LI, or LCC the system will warn you during the crew scheduling process. The warning message is LT in red.

3. Recency

US Recency Calculations

Three currency conditions are tracked automatically by FL3XX according to FAA regulations 61.57 and 135.247:

1. PIC Day Recency:

3 takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 days. On an Aircraft of the same category/class/type or Simulator.

2. PIC Night Recency:

3 night takeoffs and landings in the preceding 90 days. On an Aircraft of the same category/class/type or Simulator.

(a) NOTE: A crew member who completes Night Currency also satisfies Day Currency.

3. A crew member who has logged at least 1,500 hours of total time can satisfy Night Currency by EITHER

(a) satisfying Day Currency AND

(b) having logged 15h flight time on type within the preceding 90d AND

(c) having accomplished 3 night takeoffs and landings in a turbine-powered aircraft within the preceding 6 months

4. OR
          satisfying Day Currency AND

(a) having logged 15h flight time on type within the preceding 90d AND

(b) having completed a part 142 training program including 6 night takeoffs and

(c) landings in a flight simulator within the preceding 12 months

I3. FR Approach Recency:

6 precision approaches and 1 Holding within the preceding 6 months

In FL3XX, these values are displayed separately in the Recency table.
PIC Day Currency is for information only. It is not included in the Recency calculation. It is labeled as “[AC Type] - PIC (90d) 3 Day TO/Ldg”.
PIC Night Currency is used to determine the Recency in the Assignments Table. It is labeled as “[AC Type] - PIC (90d) 3 Night TO/Ldg”
3.b and 4.b are labeled as “[AC Type] - (90d) 15 Block Hours
3.c is labeled as “PIC (6m) 3 Night Turbine TO/Ldg”
4.c is labeled as “Part 142 (12m) 6 Night TO/Ldg”
5. Is labeled as “(6m) 6 IAP”

While the above rules apply to the PIC, the SIC only needs three takeoffs and landings in the last 12 months. Labeled as “[AC Type] - SIC (12m) 3 TO/Ldg”.

EU Recency Calculations

EU Recency Calculations are based on a calculation of 3 Landings on Type within the preceding 90d.

Manual Recency Update
The expiry date for Recency Items can be entered manually. This is useful especially when a new pilot joins the company. As soon as enough data points for a calculation are available and the calculated Recency is further in the future than the manually entered one, the system will override the manually entered value and calculate the Recency automatically.

If the Recency is entered manually, the font appears in blue and a note “manual entry” is displayed.

If the Recency is calculated automatically, the font is black and a note “calculated” is displayed.


US Recency Conditions V2 (simplified version)

For operators who do not qualify for the alternate night landing currency recency view we only show:

3 day take offand landings
3 night take off and landings



US Recency Conditions V3

Tracking and adding the additional SIC US recency elements as per legislation. This version is adding to SIC 135 and 91 the following elements, using the same calculation logic as currently for PIC:
1.    6m 6 IAPs
2.    90day 3 Day TO and Landings  
3.    90day 3 Night TO and Landings. 
Use the same calculation logic as currently done for PIC


Canadian Recency V1

This recency type consists of 3 take offs and 3 landings in the last 90 days, and
5 night Take offs and 5 night landings in the last 6 months

Canadian Recency V2

This new type is adding a new element to be tracked: 6m IAP. Logic:

6h of instrument time and 6 instrument approaches during the 6 months before an (IFR) flight.
IFR can be tracked either from PF or SIM

Australian Recency V1

For pax flights (considered as N in fl3xx)- 3(three) day and night take-offs and landings within the previous 90 days - that includes simulator data
For other flights, the Instrument flying needs to be recorded so the crew has completed an OPC (SIM) in the roster or conducted at least 3 (three) instrument approaches within the previous 90 days in flight or SIM.

On the Staff page, we display night and day recency and approach (instrument) recency on top.

Australian Recency V2 (to be implemented)

Ignoring the landings on a specific type, instead calculating any landing towards recency requirements. 

For enhanced precision, we have added a new tooltip in the "Staff" Module to show Recency data. Hovering over the tooltip gives you quick access to essential information such as landing dates, allowing for more informed decision-making.


4. Part 121 6-Month OPC Compliance


The following explains the new functionality implemented in the qualification tracking system to comply with Part 121 regulations regarding 6-month Operator Proficiency Checks (OPCs).


Part 121 of the Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) establishes requirements for air carriers operating under scheduled service rules. One aspect of these regulations involves pilot qualifications, including mandatory OPCs.

What's New?

The system now features a dedicated option for tracking 6-month OPCs within the qualification tree. This ensures accurate expiration calculations based on Part 121 compliance rules.

How it Works

  • A new option named "OPC (TTO)" has been added to the "Validity Options" dropdown list within the qualification tree. "TTO" refers to "Type Training Only," a new qualification type added specifically for OPCs.
  • The system tracks a single OPC entry at a time. However, the expiration date is dynamic and depends on the following factors:
    • Completion Day (Issue Date): The date the OPC was completed (considered the initial issue date).
    • New OPC Completion: If a new OPC is completed, the expiration date of the previous OPC becomes the earlier of:
      • The beginning of the day the new OPC is completed (not rounded up to the end of the day).
    • Standard Validity: The standard validity period for an OPC is 8 months. The expiration date is calculated as 8 months from the completion day.
    • Previous OPC Validity: If no new OPC is completed within 8 months, the system considers the 12-month validity of the previous OPC. The expiration date is then the earlier of:
      • The 8-month validity of the latest OPC.
      • The 12-month validity of the previous OPC.

OPC calculation 1

One example of the auto-calculation of expiration dates for OPC qualifications. Based on a normal 8 month validity, If renewed before the current qualification expires, the new expiration is the earliest of either one year after the previous expiration or eight months from the renewal date.


Important Notes:

  • All calculations are based on the exact day, not rounded up to the end of the month.
  • A "Smart Info" feature is planned for the last two OPC entries. This will display a brief explanation of the logic used to calculate the specific expiration date.


This new functionality ensures Part 121 compliance by accurately tracking 6-month OPC validity periods. This improves pilot qualification management and overall operational safety.



5. Qualification Archive

Two days after expiration, a qualification that is not required by current assignments will move to the "Archived" section in the Staff page. You will be able to retrieve it at any time and renew it with a new version. Note that the qualifications that belong to an active assignment will stay on the main screen even if they are expired.


Qualification Expiration Date: The expiration date of a qualification is determined as follows:
•    If the qualification has a grace period, the expiration date is the "grace expiration date".
•    Otherwise, the expiration date is the general qualification expiration date.

"Do Not Archive" Setting: If a qualification has the "Do Not Archive" tree setting checked, it will never be archived, regardless of the expiration date or other conditions.

"Hide Qualifications Not Associated with Active Assignment" Setting: If the Superadmin setting "Hide qualifications not associated with an active assignment" is enabled:
•    The qualification will be archived if it is not required by an active assignment, regardless of the expiration date.


If the "Hide qualifications not associated with an active assignment" setting is disabled:
   The qualification will be archived if:
•    It is not required by an active assignment
•    And more than 2 days have passed since the expiration date.
•    The number of days after expiration before archiving is controlled by a general setting, which is set to 2 days by default.

In summary, the archiving of qualifications is determined by a combination of the qualification's expiration date, the "Do Not Archive" setting, and the "Hide qualifications not associated with an active assignment" superadmin setting. Qualifications that are not required by an active assignment and have exceeded the expiration period will be archived, unless the "Do Not Archive" setting is enabled for that qualification.