Flight Time Limitation on Crew Briefing


FL3XX offers now the possibility to generate the Flight Time Limitations Report for your crew on the entire assigned mission.

More than that, this FTL Report can bring other important details for your Crew Members, like details on their positioning, hotels booked, night hours flown and much more. 

This document will be extremely useful also for your Freelance Crew Members, if you have a Credit Hour payment scheme. 


There are a few steps that need to be followed in order to get the full benefits of the Flight Time Limitations Report for each mission. 

In this example below, we will build the crew itinerary for a mission with a departure and arrival outside his Homebase. 

At first, you would need to build the crew’s itinerary before, during and after the mission from our Rostering Module or from Timeline_Crew. 

*(Use the filters and roster/split view options in order to get the best graphical display ) 

This can be done by assigning the required duties, the positioning to and from his Homebase and all Hotel Bookings in between. 

Tavel Duty

Screenshot 2020-05-31 at 21.48.42

Hotel Details



Duty assignment details are useful for the crew, while the Booking Pairing Code will be used by the system in order to pair the duty with the corresponding mission. 

* NOTE: if Pairing Code is not added, the assigned Duty or Task will not be paired to the mission, and the Duty or Task will not be shown on the FTL Report.

*NOTE: Please contact FL3XX Support team for the activation of "Booking Pairing" 

The booking Pairing Code is always identical to the mission Booking Code and can be found throughout the system in various in different places: 



Below you can find an example of the end result, after adding TRV and Hotel Details:

Timeline_Crew View


Roster View



Details on the FTL Report on the Crew Briefing

The FTL Report will be generated automatically by FL3XX for each mission. 

If all the above institutions are completed, the crew will have the following details on the FTL Report:

Travel Details
Hotel Details
Block Times
Duty Periods
Credit Hours*
TRV Hours
Night Hours*
Next Possible Duty
TAFB (Time Away From Homebase)
Crew on route

Credit Hours and Night Hours have Operator Specific settings. Please contact FL3XX Support Team in order to match your company specifications. 
