Flight Items: Fuel


In the Flight Strip, the selected fuel price is displayed.

The panel contains following fields/functions:

  • Manage Fuel purchasing process (Order, Release,...)
  • Key fields: Into Plane/ FBO, pre-arrangement required, fuel volume brackets, and notes
  • Uploaded Fuel Prices are available here and can be selected for the Crew Briefing
  • There are two index columns that support your decision on where to fuel the plane by comparing the fuel prices to your home base

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Copy Fuel Notes

If your crew decides whether to fuel up upon arrival or before departure, you can copy your Fuel Notes from the arrival to the departure Fuel Notes by using the copy button.


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Copy Fuel Panel Information 

You can automate preloading all data included in the Fuel Panel from the arrival airport to your next departure airport.

To activate this go to Company Settings / Admin Operator Settings / Fuel / Fuel Settings and check "Preload Departure Fuel Data from Previous Arrival Airport"!


Fuel&More Integration

You can upload your Fuel&More Excel Sheet to FL3XX in order to display current fuel price information here in the fuel panel, and also to use actual prices for the cost calculation of the flight.

See detailed description under Fuel & More.