Subcharter Workflow

In the Subcharter Workflow, you will find a second row of workflow buttons to accommodate communication with the Operator from whom you are chartering.

Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 16.23.52

Here you can:

✈️ ask the operators for the aircraft availability and price 

✈️ add your commission

✈️ negotiate the particular booking with the customer and the operator simultaneously 

✈️ keep all the conversations in one place 

Customer workflow sequence:

✈️ Multiquote - send selected versions to the customer 
✈️ Quote - send only one selected version to the customer 
✈️ Accept - send an acknowledgment and promise to proceed with the booking
✈️ Sign - send the contract
✈️ Book - push flight to Dispatch and Timeline 
✈️ Confirm - send a confirmation and the proforma invoice 
✈️ Manifest - send a manifest that includes information from Dispatch and the Operator who is overseeing your flight
✈️ Invoice - send the invoice
✈️ Cancel - cancel the flight with your customer


Operator workflow sequence:

✈️ Multiquote - in the case of multiple aircraft from one operator, you can ask for the availability of a few aircraft concurrently
✈️ Quote - ask for the availability and the price of a particular aircraft 
✈️ Accept - communicate to the Operator that your client has selected their option and submit a charter agreement
✈️ Confirm - confirm the trip with the Operator, send a counter-signed agreement, and ask for an invoice 
✈️ Decline - communicate to the Operator about the flight cancellation and, if applicable, proceed with the cancellation policy


A recommended Subcharter workflow:

  1. Make sure you store all the sub-AOCs and the aircraft which are connected to the respective sub-AOCs. Also, make sure that the operator's email is uploaded in the Contacts section under the sub-AOC
  2. Create an itinerary using your own aircraft or a sub chartered one
  3. Multiply the itinerary using Create Version button
  4. Change the aircraft in the subsequent versions. You can search by tail, type, or operator
  5. Only those aircraft from your own directory will appear
  6. Create a few versions with different aircraft, a mix of your on-fleet and/or off-fleet
  7. Multiquote or quote the itinerary to the Operators using the Operator's row of buttons:

    Screenshot 2022-05-06 at 16.28.46
  8. When the answer with availability and price arrives, insert it into the Price Engine under Operator Cost:


  9. Adjust your itinerary as needed. For example, if the proposed take-off time is different than in your itinerary 
  10. Send a multi-quote to your customer. You can select which options will be included in the email and the PDF offer
  11. Receive an answer with a chosen option from your customer
  12. Proceed accordingly with the version chosen by your customer
  13. Ask the Operator for a contract
  14. Ask the Operator for the invoice for the services
  15. Do not forget to cancel the non-chosen versions

The Subcharter Workflow can be added to any other workflows in Sales by the FL3XX Support team by contacting