This page lets you manage all Accounts in the system.
Usually, accounts are tied to Customers. This relation can be set up here. If Customer and Account were created together, e.g. in the Sales Process, they are already related.
Additionally, the page lets you manage Account Data, Contacts, and Addresses.
1 Screen Elements
Make sure you tie all the persons who work for the given company to their accounts. You can also set that on the Persons Module
US Operators:
If the account holder will remit FET, you have the option to select this within the Account's page.

Discount per Account

2 Owner Account
Users with Admin rights can set up the account of an aircraft owner following these steps:
1) Create the user profile for the owner on the Persons page. First, click the green box of +New to add a new person.
2) Create an account for this person. The best is to name the account the full name of the person. Don't forget to tick the Owner box as a Role. Then, click save.
3) Select this account as Default Account.
4) Go to the Aircraft page and select the created account for this aircraft as the owner account.