
The center for controlling your FL3XX interface.


To access the Settings page in the FL3XX Web App, click on the user menu located in the top-right corner. This page provides control over all essential options for Administrators managing your instance. To ensure proper operation of the system, only trained personnel should make changes on this page.

Screenshot of the Company Settings section of the FL3XX Settings page.


triangle-right Common

Invoice Number Schema

The Invoice Number Schema consists of three parts (format, lower bound, and upper bound) separated by the " ^ " character. All three parts must be of the same length (the length of the invoice number itself).

The format defines how counter, custom text, and the current year together form invoice number. The format can include:

  •   yy or yyyy - To include the current year as 2 or 4-digit number
  •   F - A sequence of char 'F' defines a position for custom text
  •   n - A sequence of char 'n' is a placeholder for the counter digits

The lower and upper bounds define a range of valid numbers to use, starting with the lower bound and ending with the upper bound. Note that the lower bound counter will not be used to specify "0000" to actually have the first counter as "0001".


  • Simple 5-digit schema: nnnnn^00000^99999
  • 5-digit schema reset yearly: yy=nnnnn^00000^99999
  • Yearly reset schema with text "INV" and year number separated by a hyphen (e.g. INV-2018-0001): yy=FFFFyyyyFnnnn^INV-2000-0000^INV-2100-9999
  • As above but using "SUB" for Subcharter flights only, other flights falling back to "INV": SUBCHARTER_yy=FFFFyyyyFnnnn^SUB-2000-0000^SUB-2100-9999|yy=FFFFyyyyFnnnn^INV-2000-0000^INV-2100-9999

A dedicated invoice number can be created for any workflow type we have in the app (COMMERCIAL, MAINTENANCE, PRIVATE, TRAINING, OWNER, INTERNAL, RESERVED, CHARTER, SUBCHARTER, or SCHEDULED).

Additionally, you can set up your Dispatch, Email, Pricing, Payments, Fuel, Manifest, Cancellation, and flight Number settings in which we will give you a helping hand during the system setup process.

triangle-right Dispatch

Deselect GenDec in emails for domestic flights

The GenDec document is a default attachment for all flights. Enabling this setting will make this an opt-in (i.e. not selected) attachment in Dispatch communications regarding domestic flights.

triangle-right US

Times in Tenths

This setting shows flight and maintenance times in hours and tenths of hours in Post Flight and the Maintenance Airframe, Engines, and APU.
To set it up, check the box in Common under the US.


Fuel Settings

Edit the various default fuel settings. These changes will be reflected across your FL3XX app.  

Fuel Providers

FL3XX xlsx

If your fuel data import file contains price indexes for multiple locations (e.g., DUS, LPA, VIE), indicate the specific location's price index you want to apply within FL3XX.

Note: only .xlsx and .csv files are supported.
All Fuel Providers
You can replace any fuel provider's database by uploading new fuel prices and switching on the "Replace Fuel Database" toggle.

Flight Setup Defaults

In this section, you can determine the default responsibility during organizing a flight. In Dispatch, the defaults can be changed flight by flight if needed

Bank Accounts

In this section, you can add multiple Bank Accounts that will be used in different parts of the system. The Label designates how the account will be referenced throughout FL3XX. Description and Details are multi-line fields for entering pairs of information about the account: each line entered into Description should have a corresponding line with the associated data entered into Details, as shown below.
Note the indicating the end of each line (Enter or Return key).

This information can then be used by FL3XX, for example, when generating an invoice for a booking where the currency is set to USD:

Ops Teams

If you divided your operations control into teams that handle flights for multiple aircraft, this is the place to set them up. Add or remove groups using the + and buttons. Click on a group to expand it into editing mode:

In editing mode, you can:

  • Change the group name (see the blue highlighted region above)
  • Remove aircraft from the group by clicking X on the respective tag
  • Add aircraft by clicking in the lower portion of the box to open the aircraft list

Payment Conditions

Here you can set your default payment conditions that will be displayed in the Bookings and the Accounts

Trip Support

(formerly Permit Providers)

We have a default list of permit providers, but you can add additional providers that you use for different permit types


Edit Qualifications

We add all your qualifications during the system setup. You can change any settings of the existing qualifications or add new ones by opening Edit Qualifications.



Reordering Qualifications

Qualifications can be sorted and reordered to suit your needs. You can rearrange them alphabetically with a single click, or manually drag & drop them in any order you choose.

Click the sort buttonSort button icon to arrange alphabetically:


Drag & drop to arrange manually:

TSA Lists [US Instances]

  1. No Fly List

  2. Selectee List

  3. Cleared List

It is the operator's responsibility to get the lists from the TSA and upload them to the system. Once they are activated, the system automatically runs the following processes: 

  1. Auto-checking all Passengers on future flights in the system based on name and date of birth. Passengers are marked RED (NoFly match), YELLOW (Selectee match), and GREEN (Cleared match)

  2. Between two list uploads the system auto-checks each passenger added to a flight and marks them when there is a match

  3. The system re-runs the above process each time new lists are uploaded

  4. The system checks all employees in the system against the three lists and sends an email to the operator-determined email address at 01.30UTC time when a match is detected

The lists can be uploaded by US operators in the Settings / TSA Lists section. There is an overview of the process by showing statistics such as upload date/time, number of matches per list, activation time stamp, and the user who activated it. For more information about uploading TSA lists, see How to Add a TSA List.

In the Reports module, you can also find a NoFly report that lists all matches for you and can be presented in case of a TSA check. 

Seasonal Pricing

This feature allows you to apply custom margins depending on seasonal demand. The base demand for a given time period is forecasted based on market data from previous years. Administrators can even add their own events and custom demands. You can see how Seasonal Pricing adjusts your price in the 'Margin' section of the Pricing Table.

It is good for the automatic calculation of margin in a predefined range (e.g. 5%-30%) by the demand of flight for this particular day. This demand consists of a "Base Demand" (forecasted by FL3XX based on market data from previous years) and "Operator's Events" (the data editable by an Administrator of your company). A "Combined Demand" is the higher value of these two elements.

Important note: demand value is within the 0-100% range and does not equal the margin value. For example, margin bounds are 5% min and 30% max. In this case 0% of demand results to 5% margin, 100% of demand results to 30% of margin.

Demand data for all the legs of the booking is combined, and the highest found demand value is used for margin calculation. The margin is calculated between the min-max values set.

Auto Margin is applied if the following conditions are met:

1) In the Aircraft Performance & Cost config panel:

   1.1) The aircraft is on the Cost Model

   1.2) Gross Margin is not set

2) In the "Configuration > Pricing, Payments" section:

   2.1) Default Margin is not set

   2.2) Auto Margin Min and Max are both defined

In the price breakdown on the Sales page, you can see a tooltip with details about event demand affecting auto margin calculation, if you hover over the little arrow.

The final value of the Margin is calculated with the following formula: Min Margin + (Max Margin - Min Margin) * Max Demand %

In this example: 5 + (30-5) * 0.5 = 17.50%

The direction of the arrow gives you an idea of the high season / low season:

  • demand > 70%  ↗
  • demand > 30%  →
  • demand <= 30%  ↘

Quote Default Settings

Terms & Conditions

Here you can create and edit your T&C for use in charter offers.


You can also create and store several sets of T&C. And for our US customers, you can assign them to your different programs, just make sure you mark the corresponding checkbox.

If you require customised sales or dispatch templates, contact with your request. 

Reordering the Toolbar Time Zones

In the Configuration settings, under the "Time Zones in Toolbar" dropdown, you can now set your preferred order for the time zones displayed in the toolbar.

Screenshot 2024-09-17 at 10.48.30
Use the up and down arrows to rearrange the time zones to your liking, then click "Save." After refreshing the page, your customized time zone order will appear in the toolbar.

Screenshot 2024-09-18 at 12.34.13