Veryon Tracking (former Flightdocs) [Not available - under maintenance]

Veryon is a cloud-based solution for maintenance tracking, inventory management and flight operations.


Veryon is a cloud-based solution for maintenance tracking, inventory management and flight operations.

FL3XX offers seamless integration with Veryon covering the following key functionalities to make your operations faster and more productive:

  1. Automatic transmission of actual times and cycles after each post-flight is submitted and validated


To activate this integration, please contact both Veryon and FL3XX. The integration has to be set on both sides.

At FL3XX, please email us at Please note that this is a subscription service. Monthly fees may apply.

At Veryon, contact your usual point of contact and ask for enabling the integration with FL3XX.

If the Veryon integration is enabled for the operator both in Veryon and FL3XX, you can select particular aircraft for data transmission with Veryon.

Once the flight is completed, the post-flight report filed and validated by setting the OK (green) status in Dispatch, FL3XX automatically forwards the total cycles and hours to Veryon for all applicable aircraft systems (airframe, engines, APU, etc.) as set in Aircraft.

You don't need to worry about any later updates or edits in any flight legs, e.g. in case of data corrections. FL3XX will notice and resend new corrected values any time you make any changes.


The main settings for Veryon can be found in COMPANY SETTINGS / Integrations / Veryon.

1) Click "Enable Veryon"
2) Input your Client ID and Secret Key you've got from Veryon.
3) Click the blue button "Reconnect Veryon -> FL3XX). FL3XX redirects to Veryon to authenticate. Sign in there and follow the instructions. In the end, Veryon redirects you back to the settings page in FL3XX. FL3XX will display the green text "Connected". If not, recheck your Veryon credentials, retry the process, and alternatively recheck with your point of contact in Veryon.
4) Veryon status: Once FL3XX has begun communicating with Veryon, you can check the status

Next, in the AIRCRAFT page, select particular aircraft you wish to enable for tracking in Veryon. In the Maintenance section,

  1. Select Veryon from the dropdown menu
  2. Carefully check and/or fill in the required data of all relevant aircraft systems, mainly:
    - Initial date: If missing, FL3XX may ignore the system.
    - Initial values for Airframe and each tracked system:
    - Serial #: The serials have to exactly match with the serial in Veryon. Otherwise, the affected system won't be updated in Veryon. Regarding the Airframe, its Registration must exactly match the registration in Veryon.
    - Initial values for Airframe and each tracked system:
  3. Activate Sync with Veryon for desired systems.
    - May you not see the green OK immediately, please wait. It may take a while.
    - Try to trigger the update by changing the last post-flight in Dispatch (OK -> REQ -> OK).
    - If you see any Error, recheck the serial numbers (Veryon = FL3XX).

May the above list of systems differ from your aircraft, please check and correct the settings in "Operational Parameters" of the respective aircraft in FL3XX.