GOVlink by Streamlane

This article will guide you through the PNRGOV submittal process, which is gradually required in the EU countries beyond the EU area.

To activate this service, contact your contact person at Streamlane first, please. 

See the demo

A. Automatic PNRGOV

Submitting PNRGOV to governments has never been easier: Upon clicking a button, FL3XX sends the flight and passenger data to GOVlink, which then automatically redistributes it in a timely manner to meet the legal requirements.

Initial Submission and Update

  1. Go to the Dispatch module
  2. In the desired flight, open the Migration panel
  3. If the flight is subject to PNRGOV, you can see the "PNRGOV Automatic" function. Either in the departure or arrival section, depending on which destination is subject to PNRGOV. If both are subject to PNRGOV, only in the departure section (once per flight)
  4. Pressing the button "Submit Pax List" sends the flight and data to GOVlink


  • You should submit the flight at least 48 hours before its scheduled departure.
  • You should update the flight shortly before departure by pressing Submit Pax List again.
  • FL3XX tracks and saves the submission history (see the screenshot below).
  • You can also download the text file with the flight and passenger data to see what exactly has been submitted to GOVlink. This may be practical, may there be a dispute – e.g. a missing passenger in data submitted a month ago. You can easily find the flight, and download the text file to recognize which passengers were sent to GOVlink.

TIP: Benefit from using the status checkbox of the Emigration/Immigration panel – OK/red, REQ/yellow, and OK/green – to track the PNRGOV status.

Delayed Departure

If the given flight is delayed (e.g. passengers coming late), you can easily update the flight in GOVlink:

  1. Go to the MVT panel in the given flight
  2. Insert the new Estimated Time of Departure (ETD)
  3. Go to the Migration panel, and press the button "Submit Pax List". This action updates the GOVlink accordingly so that the system can automatically inform the authorities of your new ETD timely.

Actual Time of Departure

Depending on your settings in GOVlink, you may need to update GOVlink with the actual time of departure for each flight:

  1. Go to the MVT panel
  2. Insert the Off-Block time and the Take Off time
  3. Go to the Migration panel
  4. ATD message will be sent automatically

If your GOVlink setup is based on the ETD (i.e. GOVlink considers ATD = ETD), you don't need this function.

Cancelled Flight in GOVlink

After the flight which is subject to PNRgov is canceled in FL3XX, and the PAXlist was submitted to GOVlink, the cancellation message will be sent automatically 

B. Manual PNRGOV Submission (JSON File)

There is a manual option to submit the passenger data manually in FL3XX. FL3XX can generate a JSON file (recommended), which you can import to GOVlink. Thus, you needn't create and update flights and their data in GOVlink manually, substantially saving you time from double work and minimizing errors.

First, generate JSON in FL3XX:

  1. Go to the Dispatch module
  2. Select the flight 
  3. Click on Migration to open this panel
  4. Click on 'Download JSON' within the panel labelled eAPIS / GOVlink JSON

NOTE: The JSON file can be only uploaded to GOVlink if it contains at least one passenger. GOVlink doesn't import empty flights using this method.

Then, import the JSON in the GOVlink Portal:

  1. Go to your GOVlink portal.
  2. Log in with your GOVlink credentials provided by Streamlane
  3. Click on the green ‘Upload’ button with the paper clip icon
  4. Make sure that the JSON option is chosen on the scroll menu
  5. Upload the  JSON file that you downloaded from FL3XX to create or update the flights with passenger data

C. How to Set Up PNRGOV?

Administrators must reach out to FL3XX support ( to enable this for their instance. You must also have an account with GOVlink to complete the steps listed in this article.

May you wish to learn more about the PNRGOV, we recommend:


The Sanction List check:
Please see:


To activate it, please contact your contact person at Streamlane.



Countries (regions/organizations) supported via Streamlane's GOVlink:


  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czechia
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Italy
  • Latvia
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • the Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Spain


Outside of the EU:

  • Albania
  • Bermuda
  • Canada
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Kosovo
  • Mexico
  • North Macedonia 
  • Turkey
  • United Arab Emirates
  • United Kingdom (GAR)