BRIGHT Datasets and Data Points

List of Available Datasets in FL3XX BRIGHT provides comprehensive details on bookings, flights, services, maintenance, crew, expenses, and more, with descriptions and benefits or use cases for each dataset.

Available Datasets

FL3XX BRIGHT currently contains 14 datasets, encapsulating quintessential aspects of your operations. Each dataset provides insights tailored to specific operational segments, paving the path for informed decisions. Whether it's about leveraging financial data or understanding crew dynamics, here's a glimpse into what's included and how they can steer your decision-making.

  1. Booking
  2. Flight
  3. Services
  4. Maintenance
  5. Crew
  6. Timeline location
  7. Expenses
  8. Legs
  9. Airports
  10. Aircraft
  11. Staff
  12. Persons
  13. AOC
  14. Accounts


The Booking Dataset offers comprehensive details regarding flight bookings, covering a wide range of information related to bookings and flights. This includes financial data, passenger information, itineraries, and booking status. Each row in the dataset represents a distinct booking, with each column portraying a different aspect of that booking.

The Booking Dataset also includes fields for actual and estimated flight and block times, covering various scenarios: Block Time (Act/Est) for ground time before departure and after arrival, Flight Time (Act/Est) for airborne durations, and separate fields for passenger (Pax) and positioning (Pos) legs based on the passenger count. Data is sourced from the back-end flight table and excludes canceled flights.


    • Financial Forecasting: Adjust your pricing strategies for maximum profitability.

    • Fleet Management: Optimize aircraft usage and reduce unnecessary maintenance costs.
    • Customer Analysis: Identify booking trends, Enhance route offerings and boost bookings.



This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of flights, encompassing crucial details such as departure and arrival times, as well as the flight status. It includes a wide range of information from specific flight data like airport and fuel details to crew and passenger information, aircraft specifics, and additional insights such as cargo details and reasons for delays. Each row in the dataset represents a unique flight, with columns detailing various aspects of that particular flight, such as flight ID, departure and arrival airports, estimated and actual timings, and the current flight status, among others.


    • Operational Analysis: Minimize downtime and optimize crew schedules.

    • Fuel Management: Ensure economical flight operations.
    • Meet Operational KPIs: Identify trends and peak periods to enhance future planning.


This dataset offers detailed information on various services associated with each flight, providing insights into essential flight-related services such as hotel accommodations, handling, customs, migration, PPR/Slot arrangements, and permits. The services dataset presents specific details regarding the services linked to each flight, including the flight ID, service type, service status, responsible party details, and timing information.

    • Consumption Patterns: Secure cost-effective vendor contracts.

    • Customer Experiences: Tailor services per passenger feedback.
    • Permissions Management: Minimize operational delays.


The Maintenance dataset provides detailed insights into aircraft maintenance tasks, timelines, and associated details. It offers a comprehensive view of the maintenance tasks scheduled for aircraft in the FL3XX Timeline, including task status, duration, and expenses. Each entry in the dataset represents a specific maintenance task, with each column highlighting different aspects such as task type, costs, and status, offering valuable information for optimizing maintenance operations.


    • Scheduling: Keep aircraft flight-ready efficiently.
    • Financial Planning: Balance estimated and actual maintenance costs.
    • Service Evaluation: Select the best service providers.


The Crew dataset provides valuable insights into roster entries, showcasing details such as duty types, number of movements, and locations sourced from the FL3XX roster page. This dataset offers a comprehensive view of the data inputted on your web app's roster page. Each row in the dataset represents a unique roster entry, with each column shedding light on different aspects of that specific duty.


    • Duty Management: Streamline rosters and reduce overtime.
    • Training Analysis: Ensure effective hands-on crew training.
    • Location Tracking: Efficiently position and ensure crew safety.

Timeline Location

The Timeline Location Report is designed to enable users to determine how long and how often each aircraft remains at specific locations. This report was developed in response to allow users to effectively monitor and analyze the operational usage of each aircraft.


    • Data Grouping: Flight records are grouped by aircraft ID.
    • Chronological Ordering: Records are ordered chronologically by take-off time to maintain a sequential flow of flight events.
    • Linking Records: The landing ICAO code from one record is matched with the take-off ICAO code of the subsequent record to ensure continuity.
    • Duration Calculation: The report calculates the time interval between the landing time of one flight and the take-off time of the next, reflecting the ground time at each location, in hours.
    • Record Elements: Includes both estimated and actual times with fields such as Estimate Ground Time and Actual Ground Time.


The Expenses dataset in BRIGHT provides detailed insights into expenses associated with bookings, flights, timeline tasks, and roster entries. It offers comprehensive information on the expenses recorded in these operational segments. Each entry in the dataset represents a unique expense record, allowing for a thorough analysis of financial data across different aspects of operations.


The Legs dataset provides a comprehensive overview of flight segments, detailing key information such as departure and arrival times, as well as the status of each leg. Each row in the dataset represents a distinct flight segment, with columns outlining various aspects of that specific leg, offering valuable insights into flight operations.


The Airport dataset offers in-depth information about airports, enriching reporting capabilities for flight operations and planning. It includes details on airport locations, runway specifics, operational statistics, and more, providing a comprehensive resource for enhancing flight-related insights and decision-making.


  • Runway Capacity Planning: Use detailed reports to minimize delays and optimize operations by understanding runway constraints.


The Aircraft dataset offers a wealth of information on aircraft, enriching reporting capabilities for fleet management and flight operations. It includes details on aircraft attributes such as type, maximum passenger capacity, owner, and manager. This dataset provides a comprehensive overview of aircraft, enhancing reporting capabilities for efficient fleet management and optimized flight operations.


  • Aircraft Type Optimization: Analyze aircraft attributes to deploy the most suitable aircraft for routes, maximizing efficiency and profitability


The staff dataset boasts extensive user-related information within FL3XX, including user roles, assignments, and comprehensive flight hour logs. This new dataset details user profiles with fields such as User ID, Full Name, User Status, Job Title, Role List, aircraft assignments, qualifications, and various logged flight hours.

What can I do with this new dataset:

  • User Management: Efficiently manage user roles, statuses, and assignments to ensure optimal resource allocation and compliance with regulatory requirements.

  • Flight Hours Analysis: Track and analyze detailed flight hours logged by pilots to assess experience levels, manage pilot schedules, and support safety and training programs.

  • Resource Optimization: Use detailed assignment and role information to optimize crew and aircraft usage, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

  • Regulatory Compliance: Maintain accurate and up-to-date records of pilot hours and qualifications to meet aviation industry regulations and standards


The Persons dataset in BRIGHT provides comprehensive information about contacts and individuals in your FL3XX instance. It includes personal details such as roles, contact information, documents, personal characteristics, and vaccination records. The dataset supports multiple entries per user for contacts, documents, and vaccinations, ensuring a thorough and detailed profile for each individual.

What can you do with this dataset:

  1. Detailed User Profiles: Generate comprehensive reports containing thorough personal and professional information for each individual, encompassing roles, accounts, and notes.

  2. Regulatory Compliance: Monitor documents, vaccinations, or contacts based on user roles to guarantee adherence to regulatory standards, upholding the utmost levels of safety and legality.

  3. Customer Insights: Evaluate passenger records and preferences to enhance your customer relationship management processes and tools.


The AOC dataset is a valuable resource that offers detailed information on air operator certificates, crucial for ensuring regulatory compliance and optimizing operational planning within the aviation management system. This dataset includes essential fields like AOC ID, Operator Name, AOC Number, Issue Date, Expiration Date, and the associated aircraft and personnel. By consolidating multiple entries into single, comma-separated values, it enhances data clarity and accessibility. Additional fields also cover contact information and detailed operational settings, ensuring that all necessary details are captured for effective data analysis and operational insights.

The dataset supports multiple entries for contacts, ensuring a detailed and accurate profile for each AOC.


  1. Regulatory Compliance: Ensure all AOC-related data is accurate and up-to-date to meet regulatory requirements.
  2. Data Consolidation: Consolidate multiple entries for persons and aircraft into single, easily readable entries, enhancing data clarity and accessibility.
  3. Efficient Management: Manage and track AOC details, including validity dates and operational restrictions, to avoid lapses in certification and ensure continuous compliance.


    The new Accounts dataset in BRIGHT is a robust collection of data on FL3XX accounts, capturing everything from account identities and billing info to associated personnel and preferences.

    Key fields like Account ID, Account Name, Contact Information, Account Status, Payment Conditions, Sales Information, and financial details such as Invoices Issued and Total Amount Paid empower efficient data analysis and operational insights.

    Plus, the dataset supports multiple contacts and addresses, ensuring every account profile is detailed and precise!


    1. Comprehensive Account Profiles: Create detailed reports that capture essential account information, including personnel associations, billing details, and contractual terms, facilitating better account management and analysis.

    2. Operational Efficiency: Streamline data analysis processes with complete and well-organized account records, supporting efficient decision-making and resource allocation.

    3. Enhanced Customer Relationship Management: Utilize detailed account insights to improve customer engagement and service quality, leveraging data on preferences and account-specific details.


    Available Data points

    • BRIGHT currently takes approximately 800 data points across the EU and US instances. These data points cover booking, flight and crew-related data.
      Every field in FL3XX is available for BRIGHT users to combine in dashboards as you please.
    • Operators with in-house data analysts who are interested in getting all raw data from their instance can have access to the data lake and data exchange systems from BRIGHT.