FL3XX AI: Auto Quoting

Automatically turn inbound emails from your customers into quotes


Before going into details, here a walkthrough of FL3XX A.I :




The aim of this feature is to save time for operators by automating the quote generation process. By simply forwarding an email with trip details from a broker or requester to a specified FL3XX email address, FL3XX AI will auto-create a quote request instantly.

Step 1: Request the activation via our support team

Step 2: We will generate a custom mail [customName].ai@fl3xx.com. Forward the email you received to the newly generated email.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 14.46.03

Step 3: FL3XX automatically generates a quote in the Sales module based on the requested information. The forwarder email will receive a confirmation email with the link to the quote.

Screenshot 2023-08-28 at 14.47.03



  • This is a beta version and a new technology. There could be mistakes. It won’t tell you when it does not understand something - like a human being it will do a best guess, so we highly recommend to double check the quote before sending it out.
  • Data protection: We have a data processing agreement (DPA) with openAI; hence the integration is fully GDPR compliant. Anything that is transmitted via the API will not be used by openAI to further train their models or shared otherwise. However, in the sense of data minimization, I would refrain from sending highly sensitive data such as passport information.


Contact FL3XX Sales to activate this integration.