Dispatch App - Edit MVT Data

Editing MVT Data: Master the Art of Direct Editing from Your Dispatch App

The "Edit MVT" feature in the FL3XX Dispatch app allows flight dispatchers and flight ops managers to enter and save MVT times directly from their mobile devices. Users can add Off-block, Take-off, Landing, On-Block, ETD, and ETA times. To record live steps of a flight, press the "Add" button to insert the current UTC time into the respective MVT field.

Users can manually change the data by selecting the text field, which opens the numerical keyboard.

All MVT fields, including ETD, Off-block, Take-off, ETA, Landing, and On-Block, are editable. If a delay is detected, the text in the field will turn yellow, and the 'Delay Reasons' option will also turn yellow until a reason is selected. Once a reason is selected, the title turns white but the time stays yellow.


Users can use the "Send MVT" button to send an email with the MVT information, and the "Set Status OK" button to change the flight status to OK. This button will swap with "Set Status Auto" depending on the current status.


The app provides clear error messages and guidance when users make mistakes while entering MVT times. It prevents users from entering invalid data, such as Take-off time being before Off-block time, and displays appropriate validation messages. Users cannot save or sync data until errors are fixed.

In the mobile app, data synchronization occurs when users click on the sync button, represented by a cloud icon located at the top right corner of the screen. When editing data, fields will be highlighted with an orange outline. Once editing is complete, users can click on the orange cloud sync button to update their data in our database. After the data is successfully updated, the fields will reflect the changes without any highlighted outlines, and the cloud icon will appear greyed out.


The synchronization feature operates when your device is connected to the internet; if offline, you can still edit the fields but the sync feature will be disabled. A tooltip will notify you that your data is saved and will be updated once you reconnect online. 

For the Crew app, MVT data can be edited and sent only when the MVT status is set to "by Crew." In the Dispatch app, users with the Flight_Write role permissions can edit and send MVT data. If the permission set is missing for your access role, you will not be able to edit the MVT section. However, if the access role has the necessary permissions set, you will be able to view and edit the data in the MVT section.

If both a user on the web app and a user on the mobile app have made changes to the MVT section of the same flight while in Online mode, a conflict is identified. A Conflict Resolution mechanism will then be utilized to resolve the conflict once the Sync button is clicked.

If changes are made to both the MVT section and the Post Flight section Off-Block, Take Off, Landing & On-Block values, during synchronization, the MVT values will be replaced with the Post Flight values since the Post Flight section's Off-Block, Take Off, Landing & On-Block values take precedence.

In case of errors caused by changes during offline mode, a message will prompt users to disregard entered information, stating: "Oops! System settings changed offline. Discarding your information."

For further assistance or questions, please contact our support team.