Centrik provides comprehensive operational management systems to the aviation industry for more than a decade. It mainly focuses on compliance, safety, risk, and training.

Centrik provides comprehensive operational management systems to the aviation industry for more than a decade. It mainly focuses on compliance, safety, risk, and training.
FL3XX regularly reads expiration dates of crew licenses and qualifications in Centrik and auto-updates them in FL3XX, saving time, manual labor, and minimizing errors and inaccuracies.
How It Works
Once the Centrik integration is enabled, FL3XX checks all expiration dates in Centrik and sync them with FL3XX every night. Authorized users can also trigger the instant manual sync by pushing the blue button "Sync Now" in the integration settings.
Contact both Centrik and FL3XX Sales to activate this integration
ATTENTION: Before you activate this integration, read the "Setup of Crews and Qualifications" below. Make sure that all the parameters are set up correctly so that the sync function commences and runs in a sensible manner.
The main settings for Centrik can be found in SETTINGS / INTEGRATIONS / CENTRIK.
1) Centrik API URL: Input "https://..." issued for you by Centrik.
It shall be https://xxxxx.centrik.net/apiv1, where xxxxx differs per Operator. Don't set anything behind /apiv1 - omit it.
2) Centrik API Filter: Input if Centrik told you so. Optional.
3) Tick "Enable Centrik Integration" to activate
4) Centrik Username: Assigned by Centrik specifically for your integration.
5) Centrik Password: Set by Centrik specifically for your integration.
6) Save your settings.
7) Sync Now: Click to trigger the action. After clicking, wait for a minute. Collecting and updating data may take 30-90 seconds depending on the number of crews and qualifications.
To renew the page to see the new Centrik Status, reload the page in your browser.
8) Centrik Status: Timestamp of the last sync and errors.
Setup of Crews and Qualifications
The correct and complete setup of all crews and qualifications is the basic prerequisite for the sync function to work correctly.
A) Crew Acronyms
Personal acronyms are used to match individual persons between FL3XX and Centrik. If the acronyms are incomplete or inaccurate, the sync won't work right.
a) Make sure that each person subject to sync has a unique acronym set in FL3XX. Acronyms are usually personal three-letter codes. Your standard may differ.
Acronyms can be set in the Persons module (1), Acronym (2).
b) Assign the same Acronyms as a person's "External Id" for each person in Centrik. May you need assistance, please contact your Centrik support.
B) Qualifications' Unique Identifiers
Unique identifiers (ID) are used to match particular qualifications between FL3XX and Centrik. If the IDs are incomplete or inaccurate, the sync won't work right.
a) Each qualification in FL3XX bears a unique identifier (id). To read out these IDs, go to SETTINGS / EDIT QUALIFICATIONS, and click the desired qualification. See the 'id' on the screenshot below.
b) Set these IDs as 'External Id' in Centrik to each and every qualification. May you need assistance, please contact your Centrik support.
C) Staff profile
Make sure your crew Staff profile is populated with the personal qualifications you want to sync between FL3XX and Centrik
Make sure you add a first Expiration date to your crew to be synced qualifications in Staff (even a dummy one) before syncing as this initial data is required to trigger the process.