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  2. Onboarding
  3. FL3XX Onboarding: International

B DATA (Operational) FL3XX International

A guide to compiling Aircraft and Operational data for International operators onboarding FL3XX.

These two data sheets concern aircraft and airport operational data. 

For all Excel onboarding files, please remember:
  • All dates for any International company should be in the form: DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Rows that have an orange side marking are required - we cannot build the profile without them!
  • Rows that do not have orange side markings are not required, but the more data you provide, the better FL3XX can serve you.
  • For any non-required field that is not applicable or you do not have relevant data to submit, leave blank.
  • If your system warns it is blocking Excel Macros, that is not a problem.

B DATA: Overview


The first sheet in the Excel workbook concerns operational data for all the aircraft you will manage in FL3XX.  Each column represents one aircraft. 


The second sheet in the Excel workbook concerns the operational categorization of airports.  In FL3XX, Sales and Dispatch can get a warning when an airport that is operationally difficult is requested or booked in a route.  

There are 4 categories: A, B, C, and NC (Not Categorized)

FL3XX will warn for airports that are B, C, or NC.  

Beyond that, there is flexibility in how you internally approach the system of categorization.  The two most common systems are:

A - operationally easy 

B - operationally difficult

C - operationally very difficult 

NC - not categorized 

A - operationally easy

B - operationally difficult 

C - operationally impossible (do not book)

NC - not categorized 

You will list the ICAO codes for the airports whose categorization you would like to import in the first column, and then enter the A, B, or C rating in the next column.  Any airports that are not categorized will default to NC.

You can continue to categorize after you begin using FL3XX. 

The categorization warnings can be turned off in FL3XX if you do not wish to utilize this feature.  

B DATA Fields: Frequently Asked Questions

Aircraft Name 

This is the name that will be used on Quotes and Manifests and should indicate the type of aircraft.  This should not be the tail number of the aircraft (which has its own field). 

Examples: Citation CJ2+, Hawker 400XP


There are two options for type: Commercial or Private.  Private should be selected only if the aircraft never does any commercial or (Part 135) charter flights. 

Take-off run SL ISA MTOW (ft)

This is the minimum runway length in feet needed for this aircraft. 

Token for Flight Number

Establishing a token for flight number is only relevant if you are choosing a schema for flight numbers wherein for every flight, the flight number is an alias of the tail number. 

Acoustic Group

This is required for passenger taxes in France. To determine the acoustic group of your aircraft, see here. Most modern aircraft should be in category 5.