Deice (migrated to the Post Flight section)

The Deice panel does no longer exist as a separate entity, but it's integrated as an additional section within the Post Flight panel, specifically within the Post Flight Details section.


   To minimize screen clutter, a toggle switch labeled "Deice (Extra)" has been introduced within the Post Flight Details section. When enabled, this switch expands the Deice section, allowing users to enter all relevant information as needed:

   All Deice data from previous flights has been migrated to this new Deice section within the Post Flight panel. For flights with stored deicing data, the toggle switch is automatically enabled, displaying the pertinent information from the previous Deice Panel.

   Additionally, the "by" field is no longer applicable, as the standalone Deice panel has been removed.

   For the Mobile Applications, the Deice panel remains unchanged. However, the Status and "by" fields have been removed to align with the updated structure.